Transport From Hanoi To Sapa Town - By Morning Bus
Destination: Hanoi <=> Sapa Town
Price : $15.00
Transport From Hanoi To Sapa By Morning Bus
We have daily departure for the morning sleeping bus and seating bus from Hanoi to Sapa at the same price. The morning sleeping bus with 38 berths which can use like a seat or use like a berth, it is so comfortable and good price offered. It is much cheaper and faster for going by bus from Hanoi to Sapa Town.Morning Bus from Hanoi to Sapa Town
- Bus Transport Route: Hanoi Old Quarter => Sapa Town
- Type of Bus: luxury Sleeping Bus with wifi, air-conditioned, blanket, pillow, Toilet on bus.
- Bus Departure Time: 7h00 Am (Every Day) - We pick up all customers from hotels in Hanoi Old Quarter. Pick-up time at about 30 minutes before bus departure time.
- Bus Arrival Time: 13h00 Pm - We are arrived and all customers get drop off at the address: No.3 Fansipan Street, Sapa Center, Sapa Town. (Beside Sapa Church).
- Service on Bus: We have experienced driver and a local guide who can speak little english and help customers during the trip.
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